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Giving back initiatives at Haley's Flooring And Interiors in Huntsville, AL

Giving Back To The Community

Built on a foundation of excellence

We're honored to be able to give back

One of our greatest honors is having the opportunity to give back to our community.  When you’ve been blessed, you welcome every opportunity to give… because what you receive in the giving is greater than anything you could ever give!  Over the years, we’ve been able to give away full kitchen remodels, master bedroom makeovers, furniture, and gun safes through different promotions we’ve partnered with. But what we love most is those local organizations, schools, and charities that we’ve been able to bless over and over again. 

Some of these include Manna House, who provides food and basic necessities to the homeless and needy within our community, Lifeline Children’s Services - a ministry aiding in adoption, Heart of the Home Kitchens – a ministry providing culinary and basic household training for children aging out of DHR and Foster Care programs, the PALS Program, which supports underprivileged athletes in the Huntsville City Schools system, Kid’s to Love, Mix it UP Pink -  Lite 96.9 Sponsor raising breast cancer awareness. 

2020 was like no other year we’ve ever encountered.  We saw our employees and community come together through partnerships with other local businesses and churches to pull off nothing short of a miracle. We believe in giving back as much as we believe in serving our customers! 

Haley's Flooring storefront in Huntsville, AL

Contact us to get started!

No obligations — let’s discuss your project and see how we can help!

Huntsville - 2806 Bob Wallace Ave SW

Mon 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Tue 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wed 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Thu 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Fri 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Sun Closed

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Huntsville - 2806 Bob Wallace Ave SW

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